For the studio potter or ceramic artist who needs supplies, the 2010 Buyers Guide to Ceramic Supplies: A Studio Reference for Purchasing and Using Ceramic Supplies and Pottery Tools is the place to look. This valuable resource contains information on how to buy porcelain, kick wheels, and slab rollers and how to get great results with plaster and plaster texture molds.
Did you ever wonder how much pottery clay you need to buy? Robin Hopper has a chart of all the pieces he makes in his studio and how much clay is needed for each and it’s included in 2010 Buyers Guide to Ceramic Supplies: A Studio Reference for Purchasing and Using Ceramic Supplies and Pottery Tools. You can use his chart or create your own so that the next time you want to make 10 mugs, 5 soup bowls and 2 casseroles, you’ll know just how much clay you’ll need.
If you’re into making ceramic glazes, check out the special effects that Darren Emenau, John Britt and Kenny Delio get. Or if you like working with commercially prepared ceramic glazes, Lisa Bare Culp and David Gamble provide some really cool techniques for adding depth and using low-fire reds. And Robin Hopper reveals how to get hundreds of colors and shares his technique for reticulation glazes. And what if you run out of a material in the middle of making a glaze? No problem because you’ll find a material substitution guide in the 2010 Buyers Guide to Ceramic Supplies.
If you’re looking to buy studio supplies, ceramic materials, or pottery tools, you’ll find the Company Directory and Geographic and Product Locator a really big help. With 285 companies, it’s the most complete directory of its kind for the studio potter. Find the companies close by or ones with interesting and unusual products that only a potter would dream of needing. Whether you are just getting into ceramics, or are a seasoned veteran, you will want to keep the 2010 Buyers Guide to Ceramic Supplies: A Studio Reference for Purchasing and Using Ceramic Supplies and Pottery Tools handy in your studio.
The 2010 Buyers Guide to Ceramic Supplies: A Studio Reference for Purchasing and Using Ceramic Supplies and Pottery Tools includes the following:
Darren Emenau’s Textured Ceramic Glazes
by Mandy Ginson
Darren Emenau loves the surfaces found in nature and has researched his technique to get an effect that looks like it came out of the woods or off a rock formation.
Kenny Delio’s Subtle Pottery Glazes
by Myra Bellin
Kenny Delio thinks of glazes as a skin, choosing matt glazes that are soft and supple, or shiny surfaces that appear wet and visceral.
Weights and Measures: Tracking the Amount of Clay Needed for your Pottery Projects
by Robin Hopper
How much clay do you need for a casserole or a mug? Here’s Robin’s chart of dozens of items he makes and how much clay is needed for each.
Mid-Range Reduction Glazes: Reformulating Glazes to Cone 6
by John Britt
John Britt points out that firing to cone 6 is cheaper, faster, and the results are almost indistinguishable from high fire.
The Potter’s Palette: A Useful Guide to Colorants for Ceramic Glazes
by Robin Hopper
Unless you use no color whatsoever in your work, you’ll want to keep this one handy on glaze-testing day.
Variations on a Ceramic Glaze Base
by Kristina Bogdanov
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have just a single set of ingredients for a whole bunch of glazes? Take a look at Kristina’s cone 5-9 oxidation/reduction results.
Buying Porcelain: A Guide to Purchasing Porcelain Pottery Clay
by Antoinette Badenhorst
Here’s some sage advice about how to determine whether porcelain is the clay you’re looking for — lots of tips to prevent some of the most common problems.Kick Wheels: The Green Option for Pottery Wheels
by Bill Jones
If you have the itch to go green in your studio, you may be interested in getting a kick wheel. Choose between top of the line models and economical kits to make your own custom pottery wheels.
Choosing a Slab Roller
by Daryl Baird
Daryl Baird gives some guidelines on determining if a slab roller is right for you, and explains some of the different options available.
Low-Fire Electric Red Ceramic Glazes
by David Gamble
David Gamble discusses a red hot topic for many a ceramic artist: how to achieve reliable red ceramic glazes.
Adding Depth to Your Ceramic Glazes
by Lisa Bare Culp
Really bring your own style and voice forward when you start using techniques like pouring, carving and layering to create depth in the ceramic glaze surface
Designing with Texture: Incorporating Texture into your Pottery in the Design Stage
by Daniel Gegen
Dan Gegen explains how he begins working with texture before the construction process even begins, and therefore makes it integral to the design of the pot.Reticulation Glazes for Pottery and Ceramic Art
by Robin Hopper
Robin Hopper explains how to formulate ceramic glazes to intentionally crawl and create reticulated surfaces resembling lichens, leopard coats, or lizard skin.
Perfect Plaster: How to Successfully Mix Plaster for Pottery Molds
by Bill Jones
Don’t be mystified by bad plaster. Get perfect results every time with a few simple tips.
Glossary of Common Ceramic Raw Materials
by Vince Pitelka
Confused about feldspars, clays, oxides, carbonates and silicates? Check out Vince’s list for a refresher.
Primary Function of Common Ceramic Raw Materials
Out of Kona F-4 and need a substitute? Here’s a list of what materials do what and their substitutes.
Geographic and Product Locator for Ceramic Supplies and Pottery Tools
Locate ceramic suppliers and ceramic equipment manufacturers in North America. Arranged by state/province and city; quickly find companies in 10 product categories.
Ceramic Suppliers Company Directory
Need to find ceramics supplies and pottery tools? Check out the world’s most complete directory of ceramic and pottery tool suppliers, ceramic equipment manufacturers and ceramic services for the ceramic studio artist.
The 2009 Buyers Guide to Ceramic Supplies and Materials is a studio reference you’ll return to again and again. And it’s yours free when you subscribe to Ceramic Arts Daily.
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